Papatoetoe Contract
Bridge Club

 An affiliated member of NZ Bridge

Club Activities for 2025

New! - Free 'Taster' Sessions in February

See Learning Page

Proudly Affiliated member of NZ Bridge

Elected Officers

President: Mark Buckley

Secretary: Alona Ben Tal

Treasurer: John Wejiermars

Committee: Judy Firkins, Shannon Ge, Ian McGarvey

Proudly Supporting the NZ Bridge Foundation

For Intermediate and Improver lessons online

The committee has introduced a voucher system for table money.

This means that you will be able to purchase vouchers to use as an alternative to cash. You can buy vouchers in blocks of 5 ie 5, 10, 15 etc at the same price as the existing table money so, for example, 20 vouchers would be $60. Then when you come to a regular bridge session you just give the voucher to the person collecting table money instead of cash.

The vouchers can be purchased preferably by direct credit to the Papatoetoe Bridge Club bank account which is 12-3028-0659425-00 (please put your surname and vouchers into the Particulars and Code fields) or, if you can’t use internet banking, by paying the appropriate amount in cash to John Weijermars (in his absence Alona Ben Tal will collect the money).

All players are welcome at a club session

Table Money $3 and $5 for non-members

Location of Club

Kolmar Centre - Click Here For Map